
Custom Embossed License Plates Found Nowhere Else is pleased to offer our customers and Affiliate partners the largest and most diverse selection of custom metal replica license plates on the internet. From virtually perfect reproductions of iconic antique USA State embossed metal license plates to perfect recreations of European and International license plates from over 150 countries. We pride ourselves in delivering license plates with authentic fonts which are embossed on aluminum, no flat replica license plates which deceive many customers. Our team at can manufacture millions of different types of license plates and produce more different plates on any given day than any other manufacturer in the world! No other internet retailer comes close!. Our customers are fastidious about their cars and license plates and select because of our quality and quick order processing times.

By joining our Affiliate program you can create revenue by providing access to over 5,000 license plates with millions of combinations of authentic fonts, colors, layouts and sizes!

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James R - Canton, MI

received my plates today they look just the way I EXPECTED.,thanks for a fast job and perfect appearance.

Andre -

Thanks for the plate!I received it yesterday and it looks fantastic, you guys did a great job!

Michael - Charlotte, North Carolina

Hey friends, Have ordered quite a few "euro-style" plates over the last 20 years and I must say you are without a doubt the best!!! Easy website to navigate, great price with free shipping, quick delivery, best paint on plate I have seen. Thank You, will pass the word.Mike

Robert Topeka, Kansas

Elmer, I received my new frame in the mail yesterday and upon inspection viewed near perfection with its quality. I appriciate the fast turnaround in replacment of my order. Your company has kept my confidence in its ability to provide a great product along with wonderful customer service.I had bought something in the past from Licenseplates.TV for one of my other cars and plan on making future purchases for my other vechicles in the future, thanks for making this decision and easy one.ThanksRobert

Rowanne - Morehead City, North Carolina

Hey Elmer,Just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with our latest order. Thanks so much!Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament

Peg K - Esat Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

To Everyone At Licenseplates - Especially Mike:Thank you for a quality product. The prep work and samples we had to choose from were all top quality. The license plate arrived on the date you said. We love the vanity plate and have already received compliments from friends.I will certainly refer people who are interested in ordering a vanity license plate.

Su - Tilburg, Netherlands

Thank you so much!The plate is great!It is like you never heard of impossible.

Richard A - Auckland, New Zealand

Plates received ok. Excellent service. Many thanks.

Gladys - Orlando, Florida

WE LOVE IT!!! Other people are asking where did we order our plate from. They will be ordering some soon.Once again.Thank you,Gladys

Aaron - North Carolina

My 1972 North Carolina plate arrived today and I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the quality. This plate is a 100% match of the real thing and looks great on my '72 Monte Carlo! Thanks so much!

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