Antique Car Collectors

None of the plates sold on this website are for registration purposes. They are sold only for show-cars & movies, or for car museums.
Serious car collectors and automobile aficionados have purchased our license plates to draw interest to their prized autos at car shows and auctions or to decorate their offices, garages or hobby rooms. Some interior decorators have also used our license plates in restaurants, hotels and other commercial buildings to capture some degree of nostalgia.
Please click on the links below to custom order or research our antique replica license plates.
HOW OUR ANTIQUE LICENSE PLATES ARE MADE: replica antique license plates from the United States, Europe and the rest of the world are made by embossing (stamping) aluminum creating raised letters and numbers which is then painted. Please click here to review how our plate are made:
A: CLICK HERE for the steps detailing how we manufacture the USA State plates with your custom number.
Antique/Classic Automobile Dealers
The industry of restoration and selling of antique/classic automobiles has emerged into a billion dollar industry. Buyers are involved in this market for both investment and as a hobby and are demanding perfection. has been successful in exceeding the expectations of the demanding buyers in this market. The owners of automobiles worth millions have been winning the Best of Show and Best in Class at major shows like Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance and others using our replica antique license plates. The quest for restoration perfection can only be completed with a set of antique license plates from