


Robert B - Toledo, OH

6 of my Classic Cars that all have your license plates on them.You could use these as a testimonial of a satisfied customer many times over -The custom license plates that you have provided to me give my classic cars the finishing touch.Thanks for your great product and service that you provide

Luke - Sunny Isles Beach, Florida

I love the work you all did, quality & speed......feel free to publish them!

Lanny - Fairview, Oregon

Elmer, Received the MKC 319 plate on Monday the 16th. A top-notch product with fast delivery as always.- Lanny

Peg K - Esat Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

To Everyone At Licenseplates - Especially Mike:Thank you for a quality product. The prep work and samples we had to choose from were all top quality. The license plate arrived on the date you said. We love the vanity plate and have already received compliments from friends.I will certainly refer people who are interested in ordering a vanity license plate.

Justin - Macgregor, Australia

G'dayNumber plate arrived last week, it looks fantastic. Thank you for meeting my requirements. It is a gift for someone, I can't wait to see it on the car.Thanks againRegards,Justin

Charles Tupper

I just got my 4th plate from you today and I continue to be amazed by the quality of the product. Right down to the proper size and no-hole orientation of the 55 NY plate (I only learned that by going back and visiting the site). Thanks so much. You've helped to make several old cars of mine, my brother's and my best friend even more period-authentic. Great product and well worth the expense for something done with such a high level of quality! I guess that might be silly, since the originals were made by state prisoners ... but that's another story!!!

Fayaz Mawji

I got the plate frames yesterday and love it. Fayaz

Larry - Pacific, Washington

Just a note to say thanks!! Great looking product and in a short time.Thanks,Larry

Steve Sierra

My order was on my desk when I arrived this morning. Thank you, great job the folks here in the corporate office were amazed at the quality. The embossed XLR8! wowed all, I've even had requests for plates of their own.I'll place an order for the new states that launch soon and may duplicate the order for our marketing department, these will be great on our conference room wall and our shuttles out in the markets.


My new Japanese plates arrived today and look fantastic, thanks very much for your help, very impressed with your service as always.

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