
Custom Embossed License Plates Found Nowhere Else is pleased to offer our customers and Affiliate partners the largest and most diverse selection of custom metal replica license plates on the internet. From virtually perfect reproductions of iconic antique USA State embossed metal license plates to perfect recreations of European and International license plates from over 150 countries. We pride ourselves in delivering license plates with authentic fonts which are embossed on aluminum, no flat replica license plates which deceive many customers. Our team at can manufacture millions of different types of license plates and produce more different plates on any given day than any other manufacturer in the world! No other internet retailer comes close!. Our customers are fastidious about their cars and license plates and select because of our quality and quick order processing times.

By joining our Affiliate program you can create revenue by providing access to over 5,000 license plates with millions of combinations of authentic fonts, colors, layouts and sizes!

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  • Earn commission on all products, without any restrictions. Our average sale is over $100, so with a fixed commission rate of 7%, the average gross commission per a sale is $7!
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Andrew C Trushaw

New plate you guys made is great...

Bill Prather Glasgow Kentucky

Just wanted to say thanks for the great products and service! You all made a custom military style plate for my military jeep and a vintage '71 plate for my CJ5. The plates are great and look fantastic on my vehicles. Thanks again.

Kim - Port Republic, New Jersey

Just a quick note to thank you for the BEAUTIFUL license plate frame. It is extremely well made and far surpassed my expectations. You have an exceptional product! I have already realized a gain in my business ( and have new dance students coming each week!Thank you!SincerelyKim A.

Larry W - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Elmer, I received the three Oklahoma Motorcycle Tags in the mail today (Monday). 2 1959 and 1 1968. They really look nice. Thank You

Richard - Scotia, New York

I just received the French Euro license plate that I recently ordered. You produce a first rate product. The quality is better than I expected. It looks 100% original.ThanksRich W.

Gregory M - Covington, VA

Incredible quality! I'm very picky, so I was apprehensive when I opened the box, but it was perfect ... much better than anticipated!

Casey H - New Smyrna Beach, Florida

I just ordered from your company and I must say I am very very impressed with the over quality and look of your English plates. I had ordered one from another company a while back and since I received yours, there is no comparison. I ordered an English plate and it came with German font! I'm very glad to have come across your website in a search.This is the only site I will use from now on and will be a frequent customer. All my future orders will be through you guys and I recommended all my friends to you who use Euro plates.Kind regards,CaseyFlorida

Joe - Fairmont, West Virginia

Ijust wanted to let you know that my correspondent in Japan was very pleasedwith the plates and they fulfilled his specifications.Thanksagain for the timely execution of our order, and we will not hesitate to useyour services again should the need arise.Cheers,

Angelo L - Toronto, Ontario

Thank you for the orders that i have placed for my plates, they came exactly as i ordered them....We always had great communication and it was fast service. I will certainly recommend my friends to order from ""LICENSEPLATES.TV"" in the near future...Awesomejob you guys...Thank you ---LICENSE PLATES TV--- ( A++++++ )Best regards !!!

Charles - Ocilla, Georgia

Just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with the product you delivered. It is awesome! Better than the originals. Wife loved it (birthday gift), the other one for a good friend said the same. You guys certainly have my recommendation. Thanks again!

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