New Baby



Robert B - Toledo, OH

6 of my Classic Cars that all have your license plates on them.You could use these as a testimonial of a satisfied customer many times over -The custom license plates that you have provided to me give my classic cars the finishing touch.Thanks for your great product and service that you provide

Rowanne - Morehead City, North Carolina

Hey Elmer,Just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with our latest order. Thanks so much!Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament

Lanny - Fairview, Oregon

License plate received on 2-7-11, I really appreciate the fast order, production and delivery, plus the quality of the product is superb!Thanks Again,Lanny O.

Daniel Carlson - Orem, Utah

I Love the front Euro plate I ordered for my Volvo. Every one says it looks so much better. Got the plate a week after it shipped out. Have recommended to every one that has asked where to get one

Donna B - Brooksville, Florida

I wanted everyone to know what a wonderful experience I had ordering from your company. The quality and workmanship you put into this tag is impeccable. I am tickled pink how good it looks on the front of my 2009 Mini Cooper Clubman S.I had a lot of questions about the tag from people at the car show yesterday. In case anyone wonders about the name "MAURICE BG", this is in honor of Maurice Gibbs, from the Bee Gees, who passed away a few years ago. The color of my car is British Green hence the BG so it wasnatural to name it after Maurice. Thanks again. I will be ordering another tag soon for my husband's classic Lincoln.

Elaine - HOLLAND, Ohio

I LUV IT!!- Elaine N.

Richard - Scotia, New York

I just received the French Euro license plate that I recently ordered. You produce a first rate product. The quality is better than I expected. It looks 100% original.ThanksRich W.


My new Japanese plates arrived today and look fantastic, thanks very much for your help, very impressed with your service as always.

Dave H - Peoria Heights, IL

I just received my british plate (1958 MGA) and it is a work of art. Thank you.

Andre -

Thanks for the plate!I received it yesterday and it looks fantastic, you guys did a great job!

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