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Manuel - Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

I can't wait to put these German license plates onmy new Bimmer and Mercedes Benz isthe best company on the net because of yoursuper high costumer service, betterproducts and superb customer service and relations.

Max B - St. Pete, FL

My wife ordered this plate for me for Xmas. Just wanted to say "thanks" for a great product. Happy New Year

Will W - S Williamsport, PA

In a word - perfection! My German plate (WOB 20TDI) with Niedersachsen registration could not be better. It's 100% authentic and perfectly pressed. It's just what my heart desired and what my car needed. THANK YOU!


My brother just loved the license plate. He was never so happy.He said you really did a fantastic job!!!!I know you really went out of your way!!Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It made me really happy to put a smile on his face. Have a good Thanksgiving and thank you soooooooo very much!!!!! - Barbara

Lanny - Fairview, Oregon

I received the 1947 OREGON STATE LICENSE PLATE--EMBOSSED WITH MY CUSTOM NUMBER BY PRIORITY MAIL ON THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, I am impressed beyond words, looking atthe plate is like being transported back in time to see my late father's 1947 Black Buick RoadMaster, White topped Convertible that had the 380-497 plate, the car was stolen in Portland,and wound up on blocks in a field in Texas, it was beyond recovery, never saw it after that.As I e-mailed earlier, I will be ordering 2 more plates, possibly on Friday March 26th or Monday March 29th. My son will be helping with the ordering, he is more familiar with theprocess of using the computer.

Jamie L - Southampton, United Kingdom

Just want to let you know that I have just received my new plates from you and would like to say thank you very much for them.They will look very nice on my VW beetle.Thanks once again!

Casey H - New Smyrna Beach, Florida

I just ordered from your company and I must say I am very very impressed with the over quality and look of your English plates. I had ordered one from another company a while back and since I received yours, there is no comparison. I ordered an English plate and it came with German font! I'm very glad to have come across your website in a search.This is the only site I will use from now on and will be a frequent customer. All my future orders will be through you guys and I recommended all my friends to you who use Euro plates.Kind regards,CaseyFlorida

Dominick C - Ansonia, Connecticut

My name is Dominick Copida and I placed an order forplate frames from yourcompany. I received my order yesterday and I would like to take a momentof your time to THANK YOU. The product is exactly what I have beenlooking for and I can't wait to get them on my new car. Your company hasshown fantastic customer service and exceptionally fast shipping. What apleasure it is to deal with a company that truly cares about it's customers.You went out of your way to make certain everything went smoothly and Iappreciate. Keep up the excellent work. I would highly recommend yourcompany to anyone.Thank you again.

Bill D - Nashville, Tennessee


Charles - BURNHAM, Pennsylvania

Hello,Just wanted to say that I received my new custom plate and am delighted! I also like the way you package your product.Keep up the great work!- Regards,Chuck

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